Offered as a demonstration event for a number of years; the threshing demo was a well received event at the Vermilion Fair; drawing large crowds to view harvest from an earlier era. The threshing machine along with the tractor to power it and the wagon (rack) with its load of bundles was provided by a local Society member Len Kohn; who also operated and maintained the machine.
2006 was a very special year for the Vermilion Ag. Society – not only did it represent 100 successful years as an organization but it also represented 100 years of offering a Fair to the local and surrounding residents of the Vermilion area. To help commemorate such an event it was decided to host a 100th Anniversary Threshing Demo.
The office staff went to work to plan the event. Local TV and radio stations were called to see if they would be interested in attending. MLA’s and other dignitaries were contacted. All were impressed to be given an opportunity to participate in our 100th year celebration. Among them were staff from several TV/Radio stations which included The Goat, New Cap News, 93.7 Wayne FM and Lloyd 95.9.
Dignitaries included MLA Lloyd Snelgrove, MP Leon Benoit, Mayor Judy Woyewitka and Shafeek Ali from Alberta Agriculture. Also present were 25 honorary Ag. Society members.
It was decided that the first 100 people who climbed onto the rack and forked bundles into the mouth of the hungry machine would receive a commemorative award along with a baseball hat commemorating the event.
To help fill in the day for TV/Radio “celebrities” in attendance; a special Hog Judging contest was organized. An enclosure was setup in front of the Heritage Pavilion (Butler Building) and stocked with a number of market sized hogs. It was the “celebrities” job to Judge and select the best hogs.
Later that day the TV/Radio “celebrities” along with invited dignitaries climbed; with some in trepidation; onto the rack, were handed a bundle fork, given a few instructions and got their chance to feed the insatiable appetite of the thresher. All others who had signed up to take part climbed the ladder; one by one; to the top of the dwindling bundle pile to complete their appointment with the bundle fork. It wasn’t long until 100 commemorative awards and 100 commemorative hats had been handed out and 100 participants had their chance to briefly step back in time to a harvest from days gone by.