Sho Works Refresher

Are you new to Sho Works or just need a refresher? This blog post will give you step by step instructions to complete your online entries.

  • Show you how to create an account
  • Enter as a family

Creating your Sho Works account:

  1. You will first go to the
  2. Once you are at Vermilion firewire you can continue by pressing the register key at the top of the page. You will then be brought to this page where you can sign in.

3. You will next choose the department that you are wanting to participate in, and the division.

4. You will now be able to select the classes that you are wanting to participate in. You will also want to fill in the information at the bottom of the page. If there is a blue asterisk that field is required and must be filled out.

  1. You are now able to add entries from different departments or continue to miscellaneous options
  2. You now are able to add 3-day pass, RV stalls or stalls for your animals. At this point you also need to indicate the number and type of animals you are bring to the fair.

7. You can review your cart and add or remove any classes at this point. You can save the items into your cart and come back later to finish completing your entries.

Entering as a family:

  1. If you have a family with multiple people exhibiting, use the tip bar at the top of registration page and enter as a quick group. If you have registered previously in Sho Works you can still use this function by entering previously registered persons names and password once you are inside the quick group.
  2. To continue see above instructions