Lawnmower Racing Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk Agreement

Vermilion Agricultural Society

I, the undersigned, hereby waive, release and discharge any and all claims for damages, for death, personal injury or property damage which I may have, or which may hereafter accrue to me, as a result of my participation in said events. This release is to discharge in advance the Vermilion Ag Society, promoters, sponsors, volunteers and any affiliated organizations, the officials and any involved municipalities or other public entities from against any and all liability arising out of negligence or careless as a result of my participation in said race event.

I agree to inspect the track and ground prior to my participation in said race events and after such inspection by myself, by registering for the race events acknowledge and accept track conditions, pit area, and safety for spectators are to my satisfaction. I further understand that serious accidents may occur during lawn tractor racing and that participants of lawn tractor racing may sustain mortal or serious injury, and/or property damage as a result thereof. Knowing the risks of lawn tractor racing, nevertheless, I hereby agree to assume the risks and to release and hold harmless all persons mentioned above.

Clear Signature
Initial (of Driver or Parent/Guardian)
Name of Driver (Print Clearly):
Clear Signature
Signature of Driver or Parent/Guardian:
Please Date the Liability Form.

VAS Official Confirmation of information provided

Questions please contact Heine Westergaard 1-780-853-7775